Recent Projects

Since mid-2014, Safe Haven International personnel prayed for God’s leading to finance the much needed refurbishment of the boys’ and girls’ amenities at the Adventist International School, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.

On Sunday, July 3, 2016, at the Hungarian Community Centre in Wantirna, Victoria, a full three-course Indian dinner was served to 580 patrons to help raise the necessary funds.

The dinner was promoted in Adventist Churches, and some of the known business in Melbourne whose members spread the word. Food items were proudly donated by Indian and Sri Lankan restauranteurs and other Melbourne businesses. Patritti Vine from Adelaide donated Sparkling grape Juice and a pallet of apple juice to serve on the day. About 20 volunteers assisted to cook and prepare the dinner while approximately 20 young people served throughout the evening. Entertainment was provided by the Advent Brass Band, Joyful Singers, and children from Heritage College Choir. The late Ken Mulholland generously provided his time and services to MC the evening.

RIGHT: Adventist Brass

Funds were initially collected to refurbish the washing facilities and toilet blocks.

Old broken tiles and calcium encrusted taps were removed on existing washing facilities and replaced with new tiles and taps with walls being painted with enamel paint.

Upgraded washing and toilet facilities


The old boys’ and girls’ toilets were chemically cleaned and refurbished with new doors and paint and extended from 3 urinals to 8 urinals in the boys’ toilets.




Above: The washbasins, before refurbishment.

New washing facilities for the boys were built with concrete, tiles and new plumbing.  Waterproof enamel paint was used above the taps.

However, when personnel from Melbourne arrived at Vavuniya, it was obvious that there were more needs.

Staff toilet upgrades

One toilet was being shared by 49 staff. The existing toilet was refurbished for the ladies while a new toilet was created for the men, using part of the storeroom.

ABOVE, the refurbished exteriors, before and after BELOW, the new toilet facilities.

Tropical rainfall is hard on infrastructure. This border wall (RIGHT) had collapsed from flooding so the old material was removed and a new concrete brick wall (BELOW) was built. It was quite a job at 14 metres (88 feet) long and 2 metres (6 feet) high with new, adequate foundations.

The school campus will be much more secure with these solid new walls. Another sagging wall was removed and a new 20 foot wall was built with proper foundations.

More storage space is always needed, but with no spare room on the ground, we had to get creative.   A new steel-panelled storeroom was built above the girls’ toilets and painted, and now fits in well with the campus.

After several years without a makeover, the school was ready for a general facelift: 20 classrooms were painted in school colours of light grey and royal blue inside and outside; 250 chairs & desks painted; and pews in the Chapel sanded and varnished.

BELOW: classrooms before and after painting: a much more lively learning environment.

And so, after several weeks’ work, children felt like they had a new school.

But there was still more to be done. Children aged 2 – 8 years required a playground: new land was acquired, levelled, graded, topsoiled, planted with buffalo grass and irrigated.  The following year, once grass had covered the area, the McMahon family with their cousin, Alex Chapman, installed four items of colourful and uniquely designed playground equipment (matatu, swing/hammock, cargo net and fantasy timber tables and stools) together with shade sails.


ABOVE LEFT: levelling the playing field,

TOP RIGHT: planting the buffalo grass.

RIGHT: irrigation and growth.


And so in 2017, the preschool playground was installed. A huge thank you is due to all associated with Safe Haven International for the improvements that have been made in the lives of these children of God. We praise the Lord for the funds raised. They have blessed the school where the children are proud to learn and play.